Frequently Asked Questions
What is this service?
It is a set of online tools for you to check which service is right for your symptoms, get immediate self-help advice, or find out what other services can help you. It may help manage certain conditions, without the need to attend the surgery in person.
Do I have to pay for this service?
No. This service is completely free for NHS patients.
Why is my GP practice offering this service?
This service should improve your access to advice and treatment from your own surgery. It could also avoid the need for you to come in for some conditions.
How can I find out more about my own condition?
We provide information on a variety of different conditions that can be searched for by condition, symptom or area of the body.
How do I find my condition?
You can search by symptom, area of the body or condition if you know what it is.
What can I do if the website doesn't answer my question?
Please ring NHS 111, or alternatively, contact your surgery for phone advice.
What happens if I can't see my condition on your list?
Unfortunately we are unable to offer this service for all conditions. Please telephone the surgery or NHS 111 for further medical advice.
What if I want to suggest improvements to the site or service?
What if I have a complaint?
Please contact the practice manager by telephone on 01235 548078 or in writing.
Can I access your service from my smartphone/tablet?
Yes. The service can be used via your smartphone or tablet.
Do I need any special equipment?
The health information and online questionnaires can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, providing you use an up-to-date browser.
What do I do if you need a blood pressure reading?
A blood pressure machine may be available at your practice or local pharmacy. Contact them directly to find out what is available.